Senate Members marched out of Parliament by armed soldiers The raping of our Democracy
We shall never forget!!!

Voreqe 'King Bai' Bainimarama
Illegal Prime Minister and Commander of the Military

Pramesh Chand
Illegal Permanent Secretary in the PM's Office
The Real Prime Minister of Fiji

Major Neumi "chief blower" Leweni
Military Spokesman
Holds the record for the best blower to rise up the ranks
in an armed force. From WOI to Major in two years.

Dr Mohammed Shamshudean Sahu Khan, Illegally Appointed Chairman of the Electoral Commission. A dangerous Taliban who is quickly becoming the number one enemy of the Fijian People. What Oceania Football saw right through you is now becoming obvious to the entire country. We'll give you enough rope to hang yourself and you will blindly do it because your personal agenda has clouded your judgment you pig.

Mahendra Pal Chaudary
Illegal Minister for Finance
Bitterness and arrogance has forced his hand.

Rajeshwar Singh
Trade Unionist & behind the scene supporter
The strike will not happen with him at the helm
Wake Up workers!

Shaista 'Shyster Shame' Shameem
Director of the Fiji Human Rights Commission
The Coup Coup Blonde

Lt. Col. Tevita 'Ului' Mara
Commander of the 3rd Fiji Infantry Regiment
Accused of ordering tortures at the Camp

Nazhat Shameem
Betrayed her oath as a High Court Judge
Headed the illegal Judicial Service Commission
that suspended the Chief Justice.

Assistant Police Commissioner Jahir Khan
A poison viper!! Avoid at all cost. Good Riddance to the Solomons.

Colonel Ioane Naivalurua
Illegally Appointed Prisons Commissioner

Illegal Police Commissioner Romanu 'the skunk' Tikotikoca
Sa qai raica na ca ni murimuri qase, one of the first casualties has lost his job to
Full Chow

Josateki "$2" Nawalowalo, Chairman of Kadavu Provincial Council
After namu at Union Club he will again choke you for
$2 taxi fare so avoid him if you're drinking at Union Club
C'mon Vore, what are you waiting for, he has been your best apologist and deserves a board appointment quick smart. Maybe his brown nose is not irritating your arse yet.

Aiyaz Khaiyum
Illegal Attorney General. Betrayed his oath as a lawyer
Bird's of the same feather flock together........to join ratbags
Speight, Silatolu and Nata as their bitch at Naboro Maximum

Colonel Pita 'Dirty' Driti
Accused as another kingpin of torture and degrading treatment
of women at the Military Head Quaters

Jim Koroi (in wheel chair). Claims are that he was appointed
police commissioner long enough to destroy all CID
files on Voreqe Bainimarama & Co. Mission Accomplish eh Jimi??

Illegal Chief Justice Anthony Gates
The samuraki Judge that has broken his oath as a High
Court Judge and lawyer....we'll lock you up in the women's gaol to
deny you your queer sexual desires.

Rodney Acraman
Illegal Ombudsman and Human Rights Commission Chair
A well known pedophile (how dangerous....yep he's also going to the
Bubu Gaol below St Giles

Epeli 'Groper' Nailatikau
Illegal Minister for Foreign Affairs....things are beginning to catch up
One of the four colonels (fiji times 4/1/07)

Epeli 'fifty dollar' Ganilau
Second of the four colonels.
Illegal Minister for Fijian Affairs

Colonel Paul Manueli
No. 4 in the Colonel of 4 List (fiji times 4/1/07)

Koila Mara
Not just a pretty face, she carries a heavy chip on her shoulder
Dah, it was Bainimarama and Epeli Ganilau who ordered your father to step a side
About time for some pillow talk with EN to get the whole truth out on the above!!

Jim Ah Koy
Another coup apologist, is now chairman of
Fiji Trade and Investment Bureau (Just Rewarded)

Filipe Bole
Failed, bitter, and very jealous politician. Another from Ganilau's
Party now benefiting from this coup as recently appointed Chairman of FIRCA

Manu Korovulavula
Failed Politician & Businessman. Illegal Minister for Transport
Isa na bai vulavula, daru a gadi voli kina, veitauri kau ni vei garovi
Kamica dina vei kedaru (Nodratou sere ni sa loka tiko i Korovou) E na yaco mai

Mahendra Motibhai Patel
Behind the scene supporter of 5/12
Don't buy from Prouds. Let's all go to Tapoos

Jokapeci Koroi
Puppet Fiji Labour Party President
Moce Jo......!!

Esala 'full chow' Teleni
Deputy Commander
Illegal Deputy Military Comander, Illegal FICAC Commssioner and
Illegal Police Commissioner. Oilei osa full chow taka kece ga nai tutu.
Ratu Raboto tamata kocokoco.

Poseci Bune
Illegal Minister for Public Service and Public Enterprise
The most recycled and made over politician around

Felix 'the pussy cat' Anthony
Former Air Pacific Traffic Officer, cum Trade Unionist/Opportunist

Daniel Urai Manufolau
Another no school Opportunist.....soon to be smiling from Natabua Gaol

Rajesh "Big Choro" Singh
where's all the seven's rugby prize money Rajesh?
Sacked as a Minister of SDL, his modus operandi included
bullshitting that he will give his parliament
salary to the poor. Butako big time about to start at FSC.

Jona 'I won't retire' Senilagakali
Illegal Minister for Health, Illegal Former Interim
Prime Minister

Bernadette "Big Mama" Rounds-Ganilau
Illegal Minister of Tourism and Labour
Let's burn all the sugarcane!!! Oilei what can I say?

Jone Koroitamana
CEO of Airports Fiji Limited
A coup beneficiary, like his karua Meli below
he wants to be CEO of Airports for Life

Taito "I Know it all" Waradi
Illegal Minister of Commerce and Investment

Laufitu "Zsa Zsa Gabor" Malani
Illegal Minister of Women and Culture
Her latest Toyboy, MB, was a failed Labour Party
Candidate in the last election. Now you see the link!!!

Meli Bainimarama
PS for Fijian Affairs for Life
E dina nia tara wale na vale nei Ta na Hurrican Relief ko veiliutaki kina?

Stanley Simpson
Two face dangerous little bastard

Rajendra Chaudary (the one on the left)
A Product of Mahendra Chaudary's left cherry
Arrogant and boorish. Chaudary's heir apparent.
Father and son thinks Fiji is North Korea the morons

Lekh Ram Vayeshnoi
An illiterate junglee from Navosa who would
rival Leweni as a blower
Illegal Minister of Youth and Sports

Timoci Bainimarama (is this a family thing?)
5/12 Coup Beneficiary
Most of the Government Stats figures are made up counting
the empty schooners at the Union Club

Jone Navakamocea
Illegal Minister for Works
Political Turncoat from SDL

Isikeli Mataitoga
Government Adviser on Foreign Affairs
Mr know it all and well known both side, liumuri artist.

Netani Sukanaivalu
Illegal and superstitious Minister of Education

Jainend Kumar
Illegal Minister of Agriculture
As a quick gauge of his ability he has asked the Military to come and
overhaul his Ministry. Are Wah!!!

Tevita Vuibau
Illegal Minister of Lands
Over ambition will be you down fall boy!

Rev "where's my whisky" Yabaki
Director of CCF & Coup Silent Supporter

Father Kevin Barr, Head of ECREA
Another shameful coup and King Bai Apologist
Should be deBarred, I mean excommunicated by the Holy See
The Catholic's answer to Rev. Whisky above and a known padeophile.

Jone Dakuvula
Deputy Director of CCF & Rights Activist
Look at the background, how ironic and hypocritical

Major Ana "I became a magistrate on merit" Rokomokoti
Military Lawyer and Voreqe's Legal Adviser
How would I feel if I appear in front of her
charged with seditious charges against the Military....I mean
the State.

Inspector Nasir Ali
Disgraced Cop re-hired by Illegal Government. Dangerous as he has
ann axe to grind.

Himmat 'defraud' Lodhia
Coup Apologist who wants the soldiers back
on the street as his solution to fighting crime

Nikhil Singh
Former Journalist now living in Sydney
Number 1 fan and fart catcher of Mahend Chaud
Alexander Downer, take note and deport him back

Jinita Prasad
South Pacific Stock Exchange C.E.O.
Coup Beneficiary and behind scene supporter
Recently appointed a FIRCA board member

Captain Seremaia Tuiteci
Investigator auditing all Fijian Institute Parasite, sacked from the
PM's office for embezzlement, quickly join the Army full time.
Forever broke due to many affairs.Also charged for attempted rape
of daughter's girlfriend who came home to do homework with daughter.

Lt.Commander Eliki Salusalu, Full Chow's younger brother
Illegal Manager of Government ITC Centre
Tasked with shutting down access to freedom weblog sites
Moce Jo.......Sa warai la!!!

Arvind Datt
Financial Controller of Fiji TV
A sneaky conniving user and Rajend Chodo's hanger on
Sacked for fraud from FIRCA but now back on as a Board member
Where is the clean up Voreqe when you appoint such leaches?

Amalaini Lagilevu Legge
Fijian Language Host on NIU FM, New Zealand
Another shameful coup apologist as obvious from
her broadcast and lengthy air time for Voreqe and his lies
Butabutako sai vei nai lavo ni preschool???

Ponipate Lesavua
Member of Illegal audit team on witch hunt in all Indigenous Fijian Institute
A Chodo Cham Cha Boy conveniently placed in that team

Captain Viliame Naupoto
Illegally Appointed Director of Immigration

Talei "The Missing Link" Burness
Illegal Election Commissioner has been rewarded for constantly
brown nosing the Illegal Junta the she has become a irritant you know where

Richard Broadbridge
Illegal Chairman of Fiji Audio Visual Commission
How low can you go accepting a position that directly conflicts
with you business

Taina Tagicakibau
Illegal Permanent Secretary of Public Service Commission

Rishi Ram
Illegal Chairman of the Public Service Commission
And the ones without photos:
1. Aisake Taito
Former Deputy Secretary of Finance
Newly Appointed 'Puppet' CEO of the National Provident Fund
2. Mo Tagivetaua
Sydney Fijian Radio Announcer
Coup Apologist who colludes with his kai Raturala
every Saturday morning to feed audience with bull crap
from the Military Propaganda Machine
3. Colonel Inosi Tawakedrau
The missing link in the four colonels (fiji times 4/1/07)
4. Major Kitione Tuinaosara
Head of Military Legal Team and Voreqe's
chief legal expert
5. Colonel Mohammad Aziz
Military Lawyer and Voreqe's chief legal officer
6. Prue Rouse
The old cows a pathetic coup apologist
Now lets see which Board Membership Voreqe's going
to appoint her to.
7. Rupeni Nacewa
Secretary of the President
The real enemy of the Vuda People as he's the
real President and has really screwed up his boss real bad
8. Kini Rarubi
Former Ganilau's Party's spokesman and sacked
Ministry of Fijian Affairs Officer
Epeli Ganilau's Fart Catcher and private secretary
9. Sitiveni Raturala
Sacked Radio Personality is now Army PR
Conviniently reappointed board member of State Radio
Network that sacked him. What a joke.
10. Colonel Apakuki Kurusiga
Chair of Illegal Independent Investigative Team
to investigate all indigenous Fijian Institute
Infamous as bringing Kadavu Holdings almost bankrupt today
11. Luke Yavaca
Epeli Ganilau's Uncle (another nepotism bad smell)
Member of Kurusiga's illegal witch hunt team
12. Kaliveti "Scorpion" Batibasaga
Kurusiga's team member
This George Speight Look alike is a self proclaimed
consultant on indigenous Fijian issues.
13. Lagisoa Delana
Illegally Appointed Board Member of Fiji Hardwood
14. Jo Serulagilagi
Chairman of Tailevu Provincial Council
Masi Polo vei Voreqe that Council will now support Government
Sa ra tarogi mada na kai Tailevu, especially Naqia Village